Spray paint with 600ml capacity designed to provide that extra paint required in many situations. Perfect for fast painting, large capacity and extraordinary coverage.

Matt Finish
Capacity: 600ml
High pressure
High Coverage/Opacity
Vivid/vibrant colors
Fast dry
Great adhesion power
High quality resins/pigments resistant to UV radiation
High paint hardness
Extraordinary Control + Versatility
x2 Caps included

Negro Venom
Blanco Puro
Rojo Magneto
Verde Matas
Amarillo Lego
Morado Donatello
Naranja Michelangelo
Azul Heisenberg
Rosa Pantera
Marrón Azo
Morado Marilyn
Azul Kraken
Gris Thor
Azul Atlantis
Rojo Lenin
Verde THC
Rosa Kahlo